Results found:119
Activates the ability to easily solve all the obvious issues in life. Gives a person the ability to manage financial flows. Helps enhance the user's communication skills, gives....
Aimed at activating the processes of rejuvenation of the human physical body through increasing energy levels. Helps identify and eliminate negative energy-informational influences....
Activates energies in a person to achieve Divine achievements. Guides a person through life along the path of truth, righteousness, goodness, faith and wisdom. Opens a perfect path for a person....
Promotes the production and proper distribution of the required amount of energy for the coordinated operation of all information and control structures of the body, its constituent cells, organs and systems....
Activates in a person all the elements of the Universe: Earth, Water, Time (Tree), Fire, Air (Star), Ether (Heaven), Sound (God), Light (Moon), Eternity and Infinity (Sun). Adjusts a person....
The polarization of the energy portal, which opened on December 21, 2021, is prescribed at the FSC. It makes it possible to adapt to new quantum energies that determine our further development....
Aimed at the prevention of vascular diseases of the nervous system (chronic cerebrovascular accidents, hypertensive crises, transient ischemic attacks, etc.)....
Promotes “grounding”, return from illusory “flying in the clouds” to implement plans, projects and events of your own life, i.e. brings a person down to Earth to the earthly maternal energy....
Gives a person the opportunity to receive protection and support in life, gives protection to the family, the Family and all living beings. Helps to preserve and preserve nature, beauty, grace and the Earth in this world....
Promotes the healing of the entire body, works as a marker, identifying and indicating hidden or obvious failures and health problems: physical, psychological; then gently but effectively promotes....
Intended for the prevention and correction of pancreatic diseases (acute and chronic pancreatitis, cystic formations). Helps stop inflammatory processes of various etiologies....
Promotes prevention and complex therapy for various diseases of the visual organs (inflammatory, infectious, age-related), their rehabilitation after injuries and operations...
It helps to activate and harmonize the element of Fire in a person and transforms all the troubles and negative manifestations of life into a positive outcome. Gives a person the ability to feel within himself....
Promotes the prevention and correction of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of various nature, including inflammatory ones (arthralgia, arthritis, arthrosis....
Helps restore and strengthen the body's defenses during vegetative-vascular dystonia, relieve fatigue, mental and physical stress....
Contributes to the fulfillment of a person’s good intentions. Activates the ability to manage your emotional states. Tempers the hardness of the Spirit....
Activates the state of harmony and harmony in the soul and consciousness of a person. Allows a person to live in a state of harmony with himself, other people, nature and space....
It has a systemic restorative and preventive effect on the body as a whole, gives an “energy boost” to launch the processes of self-regulation and restore the functions of organs and systems....
Helps to connect with the power of ancestors and the energy of the Family, to identify a personal “assemblage point”, to understand oneself, to find one’s path in life, purpose and learn to boldly move forward, to understand that life....
The FSC describes the polarization of water from the “place of power” near the Stupa of Enlightenment, Fr. Ogoy in the Maloe More Strait of Lake Baikal, Olkhon district, Irkutsk region.
The polarization of water from the spring (source) of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa near the village is registered on the FSC. Edrovo, Valdai district, Novgorod region. The time for structuring (informatization) of water is 15 minutes.
The FSC shows the polarization of a water sample from the “place of power” at the top of the central pyramid of Kukulkan
The polarization of the water of the energy channel of St. Tryphon the Starry (according to the ancient natural calendar) on the date 02.14.2024 is registered on the FSC.
Water structuring time – 30 minutes
The polarization of the Vedic cosmo-energy channel of God Perun (Perun) is prescribed on the FSC..
The FSC shows the polarization of water from the sacred ceremonial site “Swans” (Cisnes), Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico
The polarization of the energy channel is registered on the FSC at 03:45 am Moscow time..
The polarization of water from the Geisha spring, which is located in the district of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, is registered on the FSC. Sakhalin. The time for structuring (informatization) of water is 15 minutes..
The polarization of the energy channel of the date 10/16/2023 is registered on the FSC - one of the holidays of Mithra in the Zoroastrian tradition
The polarization of the Vedic cosmoenergy channel of God Veles is prescribed on the FSC. Water structuring time is 15 minutes..
The polarization of the energy channel of the date 08/22/2023 is registered on the FSC - the day of Haoma in the Zoroastrian tradition..
The polarization of water in underground lakes of caves in the mountain range of the Mansky region, Krasnoyarsk region, is registered on the FSC..
The polarization of water from glacial lake Portage (Portage Glacier), Kenai Peninsula, USA, Alaska is registered on the FSC..
The FSC describes the polarization of the healing water of the oldest known source in Russia - St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, Staraya Ladoga, Leningrad region..
The polarization of the energy channel is prescribed at the FSC on 08/15/2023 - on the day of the Festival of Fire (Fire of the Kings, Atar Gushtasp) in the Zoroastrian tradition..
The polarization of water from the “Kisly” spring (the holy spring of the Prophet Elijah), near the village, is registered on the FSC. Kievka, Remontnensky district, Rostov region..
The polarization of water is registered on the FSC with information from the Tule tree (Arbol del Tule), the city of Santa Maria del Tule, Oaxaca state, Mexico. The water was polarized by infusion at a point where the energy output was concentrated..
The FSC registers the polarization of the energy channel of the ancient Slavic healer Memnon on 05/12/2023, on the day of significant holidays: 9 Christian Kizic saints, Arta
The FSC describes the polarization of water with a high concentration of minerals from the Blue Lagoon geothermal resort (Bláa lónið) on the Reykjanes Peninsula (near Reykjavik), Iceland..
The polarization of the energy channel of the date 09/08/2023 is registered on the FSC - the holiday of the Heavenly Host under the auspices of Kshatra-Varyu in the Zoroastrian tradition..
Contributes to the prevention of male diseases of various types, gives the “strong half” activity and dynamism
Aimed at balancing hormonal levels, and also helps smooth out menopausal symptoms in older people (mood swings, outbursts of aggression, hot flashes, etc.)
Strengthens the user’s inner core and thereby shows that spirituality is not about “flying away” into the world of subtle matters, abandoning the earthly with criticism of the material and non-spiritual, but to ground oneself and bring spirituality into the earthly, material, into one’s life
Thick, dense, powerful, hot energy gives vitality, drive, inner fire, enthusiasm, increases vitality, relieves boredom and apathy.
Adaptively adapts to the state of each specific user, so that in case of mismatch of the energy-information component, it returns to the highest energy level of physical and mental health
Maintains the internal potential of positive energy, despite what is happening in the external space. Helps remove negative charge from the auric shell
Does not allow a person to rush to extremes, gives the ability and opportunity to realize and understand the difference between “disguised” dark and light energies
Restores internal balance in a person, yin-yang balance, creates and maintains a single flow of integrity of the user’s personality for implementation in life
Maintains and enhances the state of self-confidence, power, wealth, strength exclusively for good purposes, increases self-esteem and gives freedom from the opinions of others, activates the energies of charisma
Fills with multifunctional waves of quantum light, accelerates the transformation of the physical body through plasma light energies, creates opportunities for expanding consciousness to retain higher frequencies of light
Opens a powerful flow of energy, activates the user's direct source of strength and creativity through strengthening the connection with the Creator
Helps improve the user’s musculoskeletal system with diseases of the joints and spine; accelerates healing for bruises and fractures; prevents paralysis on an energetic level
Helps to develop the potential of the user's capabilities: to reveal knowledge about oneself in order to gain a deeper knowledge of one's Soul, expand one's consciousness and realize oneself as a Co-Creator of both one's life and one's role in the global world order
Opens up space, forms a connection with the Higher Worlds of the Universe. Helps to align the user’s energy fields and structures, eliminating “distortions” in them
Helps to open the Higher Spiritual Heart, rethink and consciously free oneself from outdated, rigid attitudes and models (thinking, behavior, views) - everything that does not correspond to the new energies of our time and does not allow one to develop “in the flow”
Purposefully works with specific user tasks in health and other areas of life, like a ray of light seeks out a certain problem area, identifies the root cause of the problem and directs energy there for cleansing and restoration
Helps correct birth programs, prevent hereditary diseases and problems transmitted through the birth system from generation to generation
Awakens spiritual and physical strength in a person, makes it possible to confidently declare oneself and one’s potential in society (work, relationships, etc.),
Involves the user into the unified energy system of the Earth, gradually activates the earth's internal memory of the Earth, and increases concentration
Renews the user's energies through cosmic loading, saturates them with the energies of the Earth, creates a link between the spiritual and material worlds, grounds them, gives support, strength, and good mood.
Aimed at supporting the user during sleep, providing the opportunity to get complete rest, relaxation, restoration of physical and moral strength
Activates the energies of transition to a new space-time continuum and enables the user to manifest the Highest Mission of the Soul in new energies..
The polarization of the water of the mineral healing spring of the balneological resort Bukovička banya (Arandjelovac, Serbia) is prescribed at the FSC.
Promotes dedication, expansion and deepening of the level of knowledge, competence in areas that are of particular interest to the user, from science to esotericism....
Helps relieve chronic fatigue, quickly restore the physical body after increased stress, illness....
Helps launch deep rejuvenation processes that have a significant positive effect on health. Promotes rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level....
Activates a person’s desire for the initial Divine source - the eternity of existence in active consciousness and physical health. Aimed at increasing life expectancy, granting longevity as....
The polarization of water from the Korbu waterfall (Altai State Natural Biosphere Reserve, near Lake Teletskoye, Altai Republic) is registered on the FSC. Water structuring time is 12 minutes....
Activates the energy of purity and joy. Returns the Divine essence to a person through the ability to control his emotional manifestations....
The FSC shows the polarization of water from an unknown source from the personal collection of S.V. Koltsov. It is a conductor of the most powerful, purest, healing cosmic energy, which itself finds....
Helps processes aimed at the spiritual evolution of man and his access to a new energy level of communication with the Universe....
Aimed at removing unauthorized information intrusions and programs of a higher level of impact than those already known and existing....
It has the maximum impact on the 3rd, 6th and 7th energy centers (chakras): it fills and unwinds them, eliminates existing worked out and unworked out blocks, negative programs and attitudes....
Aimed at addressing the depths of one’s subconscious so that each user can better hear and understand themselves, their purpose....
The polarization of water from the Kazachiy Klyuch spring (Kamchatka, at the foot of Krasnaya Sopka) is registered on the FSC. Acts as a disinfectant on the body, blocks the growth of pathogenic microflora....
Helps restore the natural dynamics of physiological processes of interaction between all organs and systems in the body, thereby triggering internal....
Promotes a powerful transformation of consciousness, knowledge through consciousness of the highest laws of the Universe. Aimed at harmonizing and bringing your mind and body into a state of balance, physical....
Activates and harmonizes the world of the four elements in nature and man. Opens up a space of freedom for a person, a manifestation of its external and internal constancy....
Activates the energies of the Earth Elements in a person. Helps strengthen a person’s ability to create his own positive reality....
Awakens the divine and bright wisdom of the Manifest World, stored in the Human Soul, for clarity of thinking and correct understanding of the essence of things and ongoing events....
It has powerful oncoprotective properties and maintains immunity at the proper level. Helps improve vision in inflammatory diseases, accommodation disorders....
Promotes attunement, synchronization of the work of the right and left hemispheres (left - logic, right - intuition), launches new energies for their balance, promotes the intuitive manifestation of brain abilities....
The polarization of the water of Lake Svyatoe (near the village of Apano-Klyuchi, Abansky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory) is registered on the FSC. Changes the worldview and moral aspect of the user in a positive direction....
Designed for active prevention and support of the functioning of the main body systems within the physiological norm. Used in complex therapy of a wide spectrum....
Helps cleanse the energy space and human biofield from unauthorized energy-information intrusions of any order, from externally delivered and self-destructive negative....
Helps improve the health of the visual organs in various inflammatory and infectious diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, purulent lesions, inflammation of the optic nerve, etc.)...
The polarization of water from the Petrovochka spring (Tula region) is registered on the FSC. Works to restore the functioning of the bronchopulmonary system: improves bronchial patency and sputum discharge....
The polarization of water from the Kuza Cave cave (Zanzibar Island) is registered on the FSC. Helps harmonize the functioning of the nervous system, return the processes of inhibition and excitation to a state of balance, restore....
The polarization of water from the Kuumbi cave (Zanzibar Island) is registered on the FSC. Helps restore the regulatory function of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, indirectly promotes the production of hormones....
Helps with various neurotic disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, emotional burnout, prevents the occurrence of neurotic manifestations with increased emotionality, vulnerability and an inferiority complex, which affects the formation of character
Aimed at cleansing all the user’s energy bodies from negativity, any induced programs of various origins and expected strength of influence. Cleanses the heart and soul, starts the process....
Helps eliminate the internal state of anxiety, confusion, anxiety from uncertainty of situations, events, state of affairs in life and the surrounding space....
Helps improve financial levels and open money channels of abundance through the realization of human creative potential. Brings pure and spiritual light of goodness, love and illumination for well-being....
Activates the flow of energy, eliminating everything that has become obsolete both in the external and internal world of the user, i.e. triggers a global farewell and parting with everything old, outdated, and hindering progress....
It has a multifaceted specific effect on the body: anti-inflammatory and analgesic, helps reduce swelling, improve blood and lymph circulation in organs and tissues....
Helps maintain the physiological functioning of the main human organ systems, the general restoration of the functional state of the whole organism, strengthening the defenses and ....
Gives a person opportunities to achieve success in all good endeavors. Activates perfect Divine powers in man....
It activates the path of kindness in a person’s life and endows him with the fiery nature of Divine knowledge, which brings all the best to a person. Increases the potential of all that is good in a person....
Helps prevent and correct various inflammatory and systemic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (various forms of arthritis, bursitis, gout)....
The polarization of the water of Seydozero (state natural complex reserve Seydyavr (Seydyavr), Lovozero tundra, Kola Peninsula, Murmansk region) is registered on the FSC....