Restores a person’s lost connection with the Single Source, restores his integrity Does not allow a person to rush to extremes, gives the ability and opportunity to realize and understand the difference between “disguised” dark and light energies Activates healing energies in a person and prevents illness and disease from affecting him Empowers a person with an awareness of the equivalence of good and evil, through the harmonization of life events, grants a person a Divine destiny, taking into account his deeds Protects a person and shows goodness through the activation of the bright Divine essence in a person Activates a series of beneficial events in life, which, through the harmony manifested by a person, become a blessed destiny On the path of life it gives a person three powers, three rays and three tasks, gives protection, choice and luck, harmony, wealth, grace and teaches him to choose his path correctly Frees the Soul from shackles and gives a blessed share to those who have chosen the path of unity and decided to return the Light to the Earth Revives a person’s desire for perfection Teaches a person to hear the Divine voice and through the activation of feeling a person receives omniscient Knowledge of how to harmoniously manage his destiny Helps to bring joy into a person’s life and the Earthly world, and everything will be as it was and as it should be Recommendations for the use of FSC “TALISMAN” Structuring of water or food using FSC “TALISMAN” can be carried out at any time. Additional information: special time for energy practices, meditation, prayer using this FSC at 3 a.m. It is possible to fix the emotion of Divine destiny in yourself in the following way: take the FSC in your right hand, tense your neck a little and touch the hand with the FSC to the right carotid artery for 3 “beats” (beats) of your heart. Also do the same with your left hand with FSC and touch the left carotid artery You can activate Gobina's energies through listening to or playing a musical instrument - a 9-string guitar-tonic or lyre The combination of white and black colors and the onyx crystal, together with the use of FSC, give the power of the Trojan God The FSC “TALISMAN” forms a unique tandem with the FSC bracelet “AMULET”..This simultaneous combined effect on the physical and subtle planes of a person not only provides healing and rejuvenation, but also activates spiritual evolution by restoring a person’s connection with the original source - the Source Can be used with other FSCs, for example, “LOVE”, “HARMONY”, “KOLTSOV’S LIGHT”, “HIDDEN LAKE”, “GOBI CODE”, “GOBI GOLD”, “GRACE”, “SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE” Application of the FSC “TALISMAN” in life will give you the opportunity to constantly be in a state of joy from the good events and Gobina (Divine Fate) happening in life, receive Divine protection in life and healing from ailments, choose the right path in life and experience the emotion of the Trojan God - “Trinity” » joy from Gobina - Divine destiny. The polarization of the cosmic energy channel of the Trojan God is prescribed on the FSC “TALISMAN”. The time for water structuring at FSC “TALISMAN” is 4 hours...
FSC "Boguraysky" Helps relieve chronic fatigue and quickly restore the physical body after increased stress and illness Promotes detoxification of the body, regulation of the lymphatic system Helps normalize brain processes and harmonize the pituitary gland Promotes powerful activation of the cardiac energy center, prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system Aimed at the prevention and correction of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, maintaining the spine in a physiological state, helps relieve muscle spasms and restore blood circulation Promotes the restoration, preservation and harmonization of the human bioenergy system, the active work of all energy centers Sets a person up for harmonious relationships with the surrounding society, family and loved ones Helps remove the program of psychological and physiological old age of a person and his environment, promotes the introduction, acceptance and consolidation of attitudes and thought forms about health, both physical and mental Promotes the discovery and manifestation of a person’s abilities for clairvoyance, tuning to a high level of vibrations Promotes activation and harmonization of the work of consciousness and subconscious, intuition, a person begins to hear and listen to the inner voice, becomes confident and calm Helps you tune in internally and focus on implementing actions that are important to you and implementing your own life plans Helps fulfill true desires Promotes gentle removal of unauthorized intrusions into the biofield, external induced programs FSC "BOGURAISKY" is shown: If you have problems and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine With protracted recovery processes, chronic fatigue and loss of interest in life To activate a positive state and mood To eliminate unauthorized intrusions into the biofield To harmonize the family space and environment Recommendations for the use of the FSC “BOGURAISKY”: Compatible with any previously released FSCs, especially No. 10 “HEALTHY JOINTS”, No. 20 “CLEANSING”, “TUNING FORK”, “HARMONY”, “INDI” Drink water structured with FSC, do pumping, wear it on yourself when in society To harmonize the internal state when building and defining life goals To write plans and tasks for faster implementation For fitness, sports, meditation The FSC “BOGURAYSKY” registers the polarization of a stone from a place of power in the Bogurayev farmstead of the Belokalitvinsky district of the Rostov region.. The time for water structuring at the FSC “BOGURAISKY” is at least 3 hours. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Gates of Destiny" Activates the energy of purity and joy Returns the Divine essence to a person through the ability to control his emotional manifestations Opens the blissful gates of fate Awakens intelligence, giving the secrets of wonderful sensations through bouquets of feelings Provides an opportunity to experience love, harmony and grace, guiding a person through life along the path of selfless motives Activates a person’s knowledge of how to improve the course of life events by learning and realizing the Code of the Universe Reveals to a person information about the path where humanity will regain its rightful joy and will again be able to move into eternity Activates the energy of goodness, as a state of Divine nature, through the harmonization of a person’s inner world and ignites the fire of love in him Forms a person’s correct perception of the physical and subtle worlds Activates the evolutionary desire in a person and directs it in the right direction, preventing the destruction of the world Recommendations for the use of the FSC “GATE OF DESTINY” Structuring water or food using the FSC “GATE OF DESTINY” can be done at any time. Additional information: special time for energy practices, meditation, prayer using this FSC at 12 o'clock It is possible to fix the emotion of Divine grace in yourself in the following way: take the FSC in your right hand, tense your neck a little and touch the hand with the FSC to the right carotid artery at the 12th beat of your heart. Also do the same with your left hand with FSC and touch the left carotid artery You can activate the energies of grace through listening to or playing a musical instrument - a 6-string guitar-tonic Yellow color and amber crystal, together with the use of FSC, give the power of the Goddess Tanya It is recommended both for independent work and for use with other FSCs, for example, “LOVE”, “HARMONY”, “KOLTSOV’S LIGHT”, “HIDDEN LAKE”, No. 18 “SYNCHRONIZATION”, “GRACE”, “MIRACLE WORKER”. Application of the FSC “GATES OF DESTINY” in life will give you the opportunity to constantly be in a state of joy from positive emotionality, open the blissful gates of fate, know your Divine nature of feelings and experience the emotion of the Goddess Tanya - “Tanyadast” joy from Divine goodness The FSC “GATEWAY OF DESTINY” describes the polarization of the cosmic energy channel of the Goddess Tanya. The time for water structuring at the FSC “GATE OF DESTINY” is 6 hours.. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Inki" Aimed at addressing the depths of one’s subconscious so that each user can better hear and understand themselves and their purpose Promotes increased contact between spirit and body, the manifestation of intuitive thoughts and the commission of intuitive actions, increased productivity of life processes Helps a person to spend as much time as possible in a state of “flow” - the unity of the spiritual and physical components of the space of being, when a person realizes himself in specific actions according to his purpose Aimed at adapting the body and increasing stress resistance to changing circumstances and the influence of various factors Helps develop the ability to foresee events, make decisions, create situations, achieve your goals faster and easier Helps you feel the connections between the subtle and dense worlds, tune in to creation and the energies of active actions in a state of harmony of soul and body Fills with both calm and powerful energy, clarifies feelings, encourages an active life position, gives confidence Promotes the manifestation of creative abilities, in case of a “creative crisis” it sets the mood for positivity and helps to get out of energetic, emotional and spiritual stagnation Helps make difficult decisions during a crucial period, based on the highest goals of the universe Brings you into a state of conscious perception of the interconnection of all people and events, understanding the contribution and meaning of every thought, all words and deeds to the general energetic state of affairs on the planet FSC “INKI” is recommended to every user who strives in their life to implement the principle of perfection and optimal functioning of human physiological, mental, spiritual processes and knowledge of the deep structures of the human personality. FSC “INKI” is compatible with all previously released Correctors, especially recommended for joint use with FSCs “MIGHTY WATER”, “WINNER”, “NEUROVITA”, “LONGEVITY”, “SACRED CAVE”, “GOLDEN SAND”. The FSC “INKI” describes the polarization of various places of power in Machu Picchu (Peru). The time for water structuring at FSC “INKI” is about 2 hours. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration..
FSC "Gobi Code" Promotes the restoration of the natural dynamics of physiological processes of interaction of all organs and systems in the body, thereby triggering internal mechanisms for restoration, preservation, recovery and rehabilitation Promotes powerful correction and prevention of various diseases, especially the genitourinary, cardiovascular, nervous systems, hearing and vision organs Promotes complex effects to relieve acute attacks of cardiovascular pathology, heart pain, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, headaches, migraines, depressive states, attacks of aggression Promotes the activation of energy centers (especially the 2nd, 4th, 7th and 8th), the accumulation of creative vital energy, the harmonious distribution of energy throughout the body according to the laws of nature Promotes staying in a state of physical and emotional vigor, good mood, in good shape, readiness “for exploits” Establishes a connection with the energies of the Universe, brings you into a state of love, fullness, openness and trust in the world, gives you the opportunity to develop the ability to receive great pleasure from life and share it with others Promotes the manifestation of internal knowledge about one’s own life: vectors of development of “I am a personality” in all possible aspects; identifying, formulating and building your true goals, manifestation and development of talents, the ability to see a holistic picture of the world according to your level of development of awareness Aimed at identifying and eliminating any variants of possible energy-information intrusions, etc..implementation of artificially created programs when exposed through body fluids Aimed at restoring the bioenergy field and increasing the vibration level of the user, creating effective personal energy-information protection FSC “GOBI CODE” is shown: If there is a feeling of “Groundhog Day” due to stress and the rhythm of social life In case of exhaustion of nervous and physical strength, a state of prolonged psychological discomfort or depression in complex treatment of the condition During seasonal diseases to maintain the functioning of the immune system, during periods of remission or exacerbation For athletes and people leading an active lifestyle For those who work in shift/shift mode, to adapt to changing time zones For everyone who strives to understand and increase their level of personal development, to “pump up” their personality traits and qualities Recommendations for the use of the FSC “GOBI CODE”: Combined use with the FSC “MIRACLEWORKER” increases the effectiveness of its influence on the body in order to create and maintain energy protection, improve health and activate vital energy Compatible with any previously released FSCs, it is especially recommended to combine with FSCs “WINNER”, “MIGHTY WATER”, “TUMING FORK”, “INDY”, “HARMONY”, “LHASA”, “ALTAR MOUNTAIN”. PORTALS SIRIUS AND ORION", "SACRED CAVE" Drink water structured with FSC, do pumping, wear it on yourself when in society, especially in a conflict and hostile environment Use during restorative and meditative practices, sports training The FSC “GOBI CODE” describes the polarization of a water source from the central part of the Gobi Desert (Mongolia). The time for water structuring at the FSC “GOBI CODE” is at least 4 hours. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Mir" Activates and harmonizes the world of the four elements in nature and man Opens up a space of freedom for a person, a manifestation of its external and internal constancy Helps fill a person and the space around him with harmony, creative positive energy, and higher light vibrations Transmits the energy of the World both into the human soul and into the surrounding space Helps eliminate conflicts at various levels, starting with the internal state of a person and ending with society on a different scale The internal state of tranquility and peace is transmitted to the external environment, thereby enabling a person to live in peaceful conditions of life Contributes to the activation of the Divine emotion “Navadast” - the emotion of joy from peace Helps to understand and accept the laws of the universe, peace, love, harmony, teaches to live in a state of fullness, joy, happiness Helps to work through psychological trauma and restore emotional state after various tragedies, disasters, negative events Recommendations for the use of FSC “MIR”: It is advisable to carry out structuring of water or food using the FSC “MIR” at 11 a.m. with the words of blessing the food It is possible to fix the emotion of Divine peace in yourself in the following way: take the FSC “PEACE” in your right hand, tense your neck a little and touch the hand with the FSC to the right carotid artery. We also do the FSC with our left hand and touch the left carotid artery FSC “MIR” gives strength and energy through the intake of the following food products structured in FSC: pistachios, squash, cherries, nigella mushroom, oats, cinnamon spice FSC “PEACE” activates the energy of the Divine world through listening to or playing musical instruments: piano and strings (for example, guitar) FSC is recommended for independent work, as well as for use with other FSCs, for example, “INDI”, “LHASA”, “HOLY CAVE”, “ALTAR MOUNTAIN”. PORTALS SIRIUS AND ORION", "GOBI CODE", "GOBI GOLD", "MANASAROVAR. KAILAS", "GREEN CONTAINER. KAILAS", "THE SECRET OF THE SAGE", "THE HIDDEN LAKE" Application of the FSC “PEACE” in life will give you the opportunity to constantly be in a state of inner peace (the energy of the world of the Goddess Nav) and experience the divine state of joy from peace (“Navodast”), long forgotten by humanity, and live in Peace.. At FSC “MIR” the polarization of the cosmoenergy channel of the goddess Nav is prescribed. The time for water structuring at FSC “MIR” is about 6 hours. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Power of the Mind" Activates the energies of the Earth Elements in a person Helps strengthen a person’s ability to create his own positive reality Shows a person the right path to the treasury of perfect and true knowledge Gives enlightenment of consciousness to a person Activates the path of the human Soul in earthly incarnation Weaves a prosperous and happy path of fate on the canvas of the life of a positive and conscious person Keeps the hearth, guards childbirth, family well-being and prosperity Promotes the activation of women's creativity, creative manual labor (embroidery, knitting, sewing and other types of needlework) Helps in the materialization and manifestation of a person’s good thoughts Manifests vital events for a person in the physical world Helps improve soil fertility and increase yield Enables a person to realize and feel his Divine power, to understand the meaning of the fact that a person can achieve everything positive in his life As Spiritual development progresses, it gives a person access to secret knowledge Makes life easier for a person Recommendations for the use of the FSC “POWER OF THE MIND” Structuring of water or food using this FSC can be carried out at any time. Additional information: special time for energy practices, meditation, prayer using this FSC at 14:00 New users need to work with FSC in doses at first, gradually getting used to the new energies It is possible to fix the emotion of joy from power in yourself in the following way: take the FSC in your right hand, tense your neck a little and touch the hand with the FSC to the right carotid artery for 14 “beats” (beats) of your heart. Also do the same with your left hand with FSC and touch the left carotid artery You can activate the energies of power through listening to or playing musical instruments (incl..viola and 7 tonic or 7 string gusli) Green color and jade crystal together with the use of FSC give the power of the Goddess MAKOSH FSC is recommended both for independent work and for use with other FSCs, for example: “TUNING FORK”, “MIGHTY WATER”, “GOBI CODE”, “GOBI GOLD”, “ANTI-CATACLYSM”, “INDI”, “FLORA AND FAUNA”, “KOLTSOV’S LIGHT”, “LOVE”, “HARMONY”, “FORTUNA”, FSC bracelet “MAGNAT” Application of the FSC “POWER OF THE MIND” in life will give you the opportunity to constantly be in a state of joy from power and awareness “I can do anything (good)”, activate your inner Divine abilities and creative potential, manifest vital events for yourself through the materialization of your mental positive intentions, creating a happy destiny for yourself, and also experiencing the emotion of the Goddess MAKOSH - “Magodast” - joy from your power. The FSC “POWER OF THE MIND” describes the polarization of the cosmoenergy channel of the Goddess MAKOSH. The time for structuring water at the FSC “POWER OF THE MIND” is 7 hours. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Korbu Waterfall" The polarization of water from the Korbu waterfall (Altai State Natural Biosphere Reserve, near Lake Teletskoye, Altai Republic) is registered on the FSC. Water structuring time is 12 minutes. Pushes and expands the boundaries of consciousness, works with the subconscious, opens access to the secrets of one’s own Soul, identifies the causes of problems, provides an opportunity to gain a sense of inner freedom and self-confidence, increases the level of self-esteem and willpower of the user Fills with a charge of creative energy, vital dynamic force and vigor, harmonizes the user’s internal emotional and sensory state Gives strength to cope with various types of addictions (alcohol, overeating, sweets, smoking, gambling, Internet, etc..), recognizing them and removing them from life through active practices helps to gradually enter a state of indifference to addiction Activates a person’s organ health energy through restoring the polarity of energy and the impulse ring, identifying and working out trigger (pain) points, which promotes good health Feeds the user with the necessary energies and opens up a vision of possibilities for effectively solving life situations, increases the level of the user’s frequency range Allows you to instill an understanding of the need to comply with the laws of life and the Universe, teaches you to build and protect personal boundaries - both your own and other people (communities, spaces) Activates the awakening of the potential for development, spiritual growth and the dynamics of creation Clears the user's karma vessel from negative accumulated energy and activates the level of awareness and understanding of the Laws of the Universe Restores the user's energetic connection with the energy of the Earth and connects it with the energy of the Universe Cleanses, heals the Soul and instills in it peace and a sense of the inviolability of the World, frees the user’s astral and mental subtle bodies from energy clamps, including past incarnations Saturates with subtle, high, divine vibrations of reality, where grace turns into happiness flowing through you, fills the heart and Soul with delight, love and joy Harmonizes a person with nature, balances the user’s mental and physical powers, awakens higher wisdom and higher knowledge Recommendations for the use of the FSC “WATERFALL KORBU”: FSC, as an impartial court, shows the points and consequences of violating boundaries, the laws of life and the universe (in a dream, through visual life lessons, etc.) The flow of energy can be directed to the point of application, it can be controlled, spoken out - what needs to be worked on (health, relationships, achievements, etc.) - a pulsation can be felt in the body where the FSC works Through taking a shower and immersing in water structured on the FSC, it cleanses and energizes the physical and subtle bodies A good opportunity is to write notes on the FSC with intentions for healing from addictions, work through them in the practices of cleansing, fasting, and during meditation Combines effectively with all previously released FSCs, incl..the entire “golden” series, “ANTI-CATACLYSM”, “PEACE”, “TRIUMPH OF BEING”, “KOLTSOV’S LIGHT”, “SILVER STREAM”, “ENERGIES OF LUCK”, “GOBI GOLD”, “INDIE”, “PROSURITY”, “SUCCESS” , “FORTUNE”, “LOVE”, “BLACK MOUNTAIN”, “POWER OF SPIRIT”, “TRANSFORMATION”, “AWAKENING THE SOUL”, “SPRING OF LIFE”, “HEALING”, “HEALTHY GENERATION”, “SOURCE OF THE GREAT MOUNTAIN”, “LIBERER” ", "COSSACK KEY", "HEAVENLY INTERCESSION"; FSC bracelets “HEALTH NAVIGATOR”, “AMULD”, “OVERCOMING”, “POWER OF LIGHT” Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Transfiguration" Aimed at cleansing all the user’s energy bodies from negativity, any induced programs of various origins and expected strength of influence Cleanses the heart and soul, starts the process of healing the body through healing the soul from trauma on the subtle plane Activates the entire energy system and nourishes energy centers (chakras), restores the integrity of the biofield structure, transforms anger into kindness, envy into benevolence, anger into mercy Launches the process of global spiritual reboot of a person in accordance with the dictates of new energies Helps fill all the user's bodies with clean, bright energy Helps to gently, without pressure, remove you from the state of emotional “hole” - depression, apathy, passivity in life, feelings of deep despondency and loneliness Gives hope, courage, and activity for positive transformations within oneself in order to move through life successfully with new thoughts, ideas in a state of integrity and joy Helps to enable and connect higher levels of consciousness, to obtain currently relevant information Awakens selflessness in a person and fills the heart with love, gives internal clues about the truly correct path in life, imbues the user with spiritual wisdom and opens a casket of hidden knowledge of the soul Promotes the harmonization of the cerebral hemispheres, the manifestation of creativity, creativity of thinking, the emergence of a new angle of view on life and current events Aimed at connecting a man and a woman: creating and maintaining relationships, harmonization in a couple, pleasure from communication, feeling for a partner through the acceptance of close relationships Promotes the unification of people at the level of consciousness and at the level of souls Aimed at connecting with the Highest qualities of the Soul - light, knowledge, truth Helps resolve health issues by restoring the functioning of the male and female reproductive systems (gynecology, urology, hormonal levels) Promotes the inclusion and activation of the “youth gene”, prolonging the age of active longevity Recommendations for the use of the FSC “PROBRAZHENIE”: Creates a unique tandem with the FSC “LIGHT OF KNOWLEDGE”, just as Mars and Venus create space for the generation and manifestation of true love It is recommended for parents to use for daily blessings and guidance to their children..Hold the FSC in your hands and verbally or mentally wish for a successful day For active work for those who have lost hope and are in a state of despair to enter new energies of life It helps women to show their true nature, to find the inner state of a queen who is confident in her feminine energies and manifestations, to become a “magnet of charm”, which allows men to take a fresh look at a long-known woman (wife, companion) Recommended for use in cases of prolonged or severe illnesses as an additional means of assistance and healing Compatible with all previously released FSCs, especially with: “SPRING OF LIFE”, “WOMAN’S CHARM”, “MALE’S CHARM”, “WINNER”, “EMERALD TABLET”, “FORMULA OF LOVE. YIN", "FORMAULA OF LOVE.YANG", "LHASA", "BLACK MOUNTAIN", FSC bracelet "ENCHANCER", "TYGON" The FSC “TRANSFORMATION” describes the polarization of water from the well (Holy Spring) of the Holy Island of St. Macarius from the Makaryevskaya Hermitage (Leningrad Region, Tosnensky District). The time for water structuring at FSC “PROBRAZHENIE” is 8 hours. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Rapa" It has a multifaceted specific effect on the body: anti-inflammatory and analgesic, helps reduce swelling, improve blood and lymph circulation in organs and tissues Promotes the prevention and correction of diseases of the cardiovascular system (functional disorders of the myocardium, blood vessels, arteries and veins) Helps stop the initial manifestations of vascular diseases: atherosclerosis (including myocardiosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy), arterial hypertension of the 1st degree, arterial hypotension, obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities, circulatory failure of the 1st and 2nd degrees, varicose veins, rheumatic heart defects in children and adults (1st degree of process activity) Helps prevent pre-infarction and pre-stroke conditions Helps restore metabolic processes in the body Used for the prevention and correction of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, helps reduce swelling and reduce pain Provides effective assistance to the physical body in the presence of “diseases of civilization”: chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, physical and emotional devastation, sedentary lifestyle FSC "RAPA" is shown: In the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system in complex therapy as an independent preventive agent During the period of rehabilitation after surgery and injuries For everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle To support the cardiovascular system during fitness and sports activities Recommendations for the use of FSC "RAPA": Compatible with all previously released FSCs, especially with No. 9 “HEALTHY HEART”, “LONGEVITY”, “ALIVE”, FSC bracelet “FITNESS” It is necessary to drink structured water, do pumping, wear it on yourself when in society Baths with water structured using FSC “RAPA” have a significant healing effect Helps to easily modify a person’s lifestyle - eradicate bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.), establish a water-drinking regime and nutrition, include feasible physical activity The polarization of the Rapa water of the Khoprovskie Zori sanatorium in the Penza region is prescribed at the FSC "RAPA". The time for water structuring at the RAPA FSC is about 2 hours.. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Light of Success" Gives a person opportunities to achieve success in all good endeavors Activates perfect Divine powers in man Guides a person to the revival of his Spiritual nature Opens for a person the awareness of the eternity of the World of native Nature and the importance of caring for it and its preservation Returns the human race to its source and fills the heart with light Activates awareness of the multidimensionality and eternity of existence Gives people the opportunity, upon awakening, to feel, with their soul touching their divine nature, eternal beauty, shining internally and eternally reborn Activates in a person a worldview based on truthfulness, which is the main resonator with the entire surrounding World Endows a person with standard and Divine functions necessary for evolution Recommendations for the use of the FSC “LIGHT OF SUCCESS” Structuring of water or food using the FSC “LIGHT OF SUCCESS” can be carried out at any time. Additional information: special time for energy practices, meditation, prayer using this FSC at 23:00 It is possible to fix the emotion of Divine success in yourself in the following way: take the FSC in your right hand, tense your neck a little and touch the hand with the FSC to the right carotid artery at the 23rd beat of your heart. Also do the same with your left hand with FSC and touch the left carotid artery You can activate the energies of success through listening to or playing musical instruments (including the xylophone - a percussion musical instrument with a certain pitch. It is a series of wooden blocks of different sizes, tuned to certain notes) or a 23-string harp) Green color and emerald crystal, together with the use of FSC, give the power of the God of the Family It is recommended both for independent work and for use with other FSCs, for example, “SUCCESS”, “FORTUNA”, “RELOADING.CLEANING”, “RELOADING.FILLING”, FSC bracelet “MAGNAT” Application of the FSC “LIGHT OF SUCCESS” in life will give you the opportunity to constantly be in a state of joy from achieving success in your life, awareness of your multidimensionality, truthfulness and return to your Ancestral origins, Spiritually evolve and experience the emotion of the God of the Kin - “Give Birth” the joy of success. The FSC “LIGHT OF SUCCESS” describes the polarization of the cosmic energy channel of God Rod. The time for structuring water at the FSC “LIGHT OF SUCCESS” is 6 hours.. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Fortitude" Contributes to the fulfillment of a person’s good intentions Activates the ability to manage your emotional states Tempers the hardness of the Spirit Gives a person endurance and strength to overcome challenges in life Provides an opportunity to gain experience of improvement in a new Reveals knowledge of the secrets of the Universe, worthy of man Activates the energy of humility (living in peace with everyone) and patience Promotes the desire for the magic of creation in your life Enables a person to take the path of Divine aspirations and achievements Opens Spiritual vision and hearing (as spiritual evolution progresses) and allows human eyes to look into the essence of things and what is happening Activates clarity of thinking and sanity As Spiritual awakening progresses, it reveals to a person knowledge about the past, present and future Illumines with the light of knowledge about the Earth and Space Recommendations for the use of the FSC “POWER OF SPIRIT” Structuring water or food using the FSC “POWER OF SPIRIT” can be carried out at any time. Additional information: special time for energy practices, meditation, prayer using this FSC at 07:00 It is possible to fix the emotion of Divine endurance and patience in yourself in the following way: take the FSC in your right hand, tense your neck a little and touch the hand with the FSC to the right carotid artery at the 7th beat of your heart. Also do the same with your left hand with FSC and touch the left carotid artery You can activate the energies of endurance and patience through listening to or playing musical instruments (including viol and 7-string guitar-tonic) Orange color and garnet crystal, together with the use of FSC, give the power of God Zhel It is recommended both for independent work and for use with other FSCs, for example, “WINNER”, “Light of KOLTSOV”, “THREE HIERESTRAGIES”, “INDI”, “LHASA”, “INKI”, No. 13 “HEALTHY INTELLIGENCE”, No. 18 “SYNCHRONIZATION”, FSC bracelet “MAGNAT” Application of the FSC “POWER OF SPIRIT” in life will give you the opportunity to constantly be in a state of joy from your emotional stability, humility and patience, easily overcome life’s trials, spiritually evolve and experience the emotion of God Zhelya - “Zhelyadom” - the joy of humility, endurance and patience.< br /> The polarization of the cosmic energy channel of God Zhel is prescribed at the FSC “POWER OF SPIRIT”. The time for structuring water at the FSC “POWER OF SPIRIT” is 2 hours.. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Treasure of Spain" Promotes the prevention and correction of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of various nature, including inflammatory ones (arthralgia, arthritis, arthrosis, gout, coxarthrosis, epicondylosis, etc.), with degeneration of articular cartilage (osteochondrosis), with age-related degenerative diseases (osteoporosis ) Recommended for cardiovascular pathology, helps relieve pain, lower blood pressure, and restore heart rhythm Helps restore the functional state of the respiratory system in a wide range of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs It is an important part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program after diseases of the ENT organs of various types: inflammatory, bacterial, viral (including after pneumonia, ARVI, COVID-19, etc.) Helps eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, gently relieve spasm of the bronchi and bronchioles during bronchial asthma during remission and exacerbation Helps prevent and correct inflammatory, infectious, viral diseases of the genital organs, incl. for nonspecific diseases associated with decreased immunity, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, pH imbalance as a result of gynecological procedures, etc. Helps prevent and correct a wide range of urological diseases of the urinary system of men and women (kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra), incl. with hypothermia, sedentary lifestyle, circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, lymph stagnation Helps restore acid-base balance and water-salt balance, helps relieve swelling in any pathology Helps relieve stress, depression, eliminate insomnia, and is effective for nervous exhaustion Aimed at correcting skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, acne, wounds, cuts (incl..with an inflammatory component) Helps strengthen bones, teeth and nails Promotes regeneration, renewal and rejuvenation of the skin by restoring blood supply to various layers of the skin (wide range of applications in cosmetology and plastic surgery) Recommendations for the use of the FSC “TREASURE OF SPAIN”: Compatible with all previously released FSCs, especially with: “FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT”, “BOGURAISKY”, “PHOENIX”, “PARASKEVA”, No. 3 “WOMAN”, “ALLY”, “NEUROVITA”, “VELIKORETSKY”, “THREE HIGHESTERS”, “VARVARIN KEY”, “HEALTHY LUNG”, “EXTRA ENT”, “ALLERGO PROTECTION”, “TUNING FORK”, “BEAUTY FACTOR”, No. 19 “ANTI-TOBACCO”, No. 10 “HEALTHY JOINTS”, No. 5 “REHABILITATION”, No. 2 “ DETOX" It is recommended to do inhalations using FSC-structured water or drugs for bronchial asthma during remission and exacerbation of the disease It is necessary to drink water structured in FSC, do pumping, take baths, showers, lotions Use in complex treatment programs, as well as to increase the efficiency and speed up the timing of physical rehabilitation after operations and injuries, incl. in sports medicine A period of exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is possible, then it is necessary to temporarily reduce the frequency of use of this Corrector and actively work with other FSCs of directed action It is recommended to structure cosmetic and medicinal creams, ointments, various hygiene products used topically and externally, for irrigation, douching Organizing a home SPA (salt baths, mud applications, cosmetic masks and wraps, aroma diffusers, salt caves, etc.) For practicing health practices (breathing techniques, yoga, qi gong, wushu) The FSC “TREASURE OF SPAIN” describes the polarization of the water of the relict pink lake Salinas de Torrevieja (Spain). The time for water structuring at the FSC “TREASURE OF SPAIN” is 4.5 hours. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Companion" Helps restore and strengthen the body's defenses during vegetative-vascular dystonia, relieve fatigue, mental and physical stress Helps maintain the physiological functioning of the immune system, faster recovery from illnesses, recovery from injuries, surgical interventions Has a regenerating and softening effect, helps cleanse and restore the skin Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system Aimed at restoring the elasticity of blood vessels, promotes blood thinning and prevents blood clots Helps restore and normalize all types of metabolic processes in the body Promotes comprehensive restoration of physical strength and maintenance of physical activity at the required level It has a harmonizing effect on the emotional sphere, helps to tune into society, preserving the inner core of “I” FSC “SORATINIK” is shown: During seasonal illnesses, with weakened immunity To support the body in the presence of autoimmune diseases, as well as diseases of unknown etiology, protracted recovery processes, apathy, fatigue In complex therapy for cardiovascular pathology, metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, etc.) During the rehabilitation period after surgery and injuries Recommendations for the use of the FSC “SORATNIK”: It is recommended to start using it together with the FSC “SOYUZNIK” Compatible with all previously released FSCs, especially with “MANASAROVAR. KAILAS", "INDI", "GOBI GOLD", "AMARANTH" Drink water structured with FSC, do pumping, wear it on yourself when in society The polarization of water from Lake Kamenskoye near the village is registered on the FSC “SORATNIK”. Menus of Shimsky district, Novgorod region. The time for water structuring at FSC “SORATNIK” is at least 4 hours. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration..
FSC "The Miracle Worker" Promotes the healing of the entire body, works as a marker, identifying and indicating hidden or obvious failures and health problems: physical, psychological; then gently but effectively promotes their correction Promotes activation of energy centers (especially the 6th, 7th and 8th), harmonious distribution and accumulation of energy throughout the body Helps to open the “spiritual heart”, saturate the aura with the light energies of love, strengthen families, teams, network structures, improve relationships and mutual understanding within them Helps you stay calm and quickly make important decisions in stressful situations when necessary Promotes the opening of “spiritual vision”, the onset of insight, awareness, understanding and acceptance of one’s purpose and meaning in life Helps develop intuitive vision and knowledge, the ability to be in contact with the Higher Mind and your intuition Promotes the fulfillment of desires, helps to overcome difficult periods in life, to adapt more quickly and efficiently to the changing conditions of society and the environment Aimed at identifying and eliminating any variants of possible energy-information intrusions, etc. implementation of artificially created programs when exposed through body fluids Aimed at restoring the bioenergy field and increasing the vibration level of the user, creating effective personal energy-information protection FSC “THE MIRACLE WORKER” is shown: For everyone who strives to develop intuition and live in the energies of love In case of exhaustion of nervous and physical strength, a state of prolonged psychological discomfort or depression in complex treatment of the condition To improve relationships in society For travelers, incl..pilgrims, drivers of all types of transport (land, air, water, underground), military personnel, shift workers Recommendations for the use of the FSC “THE MIRACLE WORKER”: Combined use with the FSC “GOBI CODE” or “GOBI GOLD” increases the effectiveness of the effect on the body in order to harmonize physiological processes for healing and rejuvenation, creating and maintaining energy protection Compatible with any previously released FSCs, it is especially recommended to combine with FSCs “GRACE”, “GOLDEN SAND”, “TUMING FORK”, “INDY”, “LOVE”, “HARMONY”, “LHASA”, “ALTAR MOUNTAIN. PORTALS SIRIUS AND ORION", "SACRED CAVE", "BLACK MOUNTAIN" Drink water structured with FSC, do pumping, wear it when you are in society, especially in a conflict and hostile environment, spray the premises Use when practicing meditative practices, martial arts The polarization of water from the holy spring of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Sergiev Posad, is prescribed at the FSC “WONDERWORKER”. The time for water structuring at the FSC “WONDERWORKER” is at least 2 hours. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
FSC "Endovita" Intended for the prevention and correction of pancreatic diseases (acute and chronic pancreatitis, cystic formations) Helps stop inflammatory processes of various etiologies, prevents the occurrence of scar formation in the connective tissue of the pancreas Promotes correction and prevents the formation of PIC (pathologically altered cells), cysts and stones in the pancreas Promotes the synthesis of hormones that regulate carbohydrate metabolism in the body (insulin and glucagon) Promotes the regulation of exocrine activity of the pancreas, the release of digestive enzymes into the small intestine, starting and regulating the process of digestion and absorption of food Helps eliminate dyspeptic digestive disorders (heaviness, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, stool instability, etc.) Prevents the development and corrects inflammation of the gallbladder FSC "ENDOVITA" is recommended for people suffering from acute and chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholecystopancreatitis. It is especially recommended for people who take medications for a long time (hormones, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), with autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity, intestinal diseases, especially small intestines) and other gastrointestinal diseases. FSC is recommended for every person with an unbalanced diet and living in conditions of shortage of natural, high-quality food products. At FSC “ENDOVITA” the channel of Cosmic Theurgy “MAYA” TAMIYASCHE is registered, intended for the prevention and correction of diseases of the pancreas. The time for water structuring at the FSC “ENDOVITA” is at least 20 minutes. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration..
FSC “Energy of Achievements” Activates energies in a person to achieve Divine achievements Guides a person through life along the path of truth, righteousness, goodness, faith and wisdom Opens up the perfect path of evolution for humans Directs the Soul of a person on its sacred path through the world of Rule Instills in a person faith in the greatness of the Spirit Activates the energies of righteousness, health and perfection and indicates the right path of development Helps to attract the right creative thoughts into a person’s consciousness, which contributes to the creation of positive thought forms Helps resolve confusing life situations and find a way out of the negative labyrinth of life Enables a person to follow the righteous, heartfelt path of life, being in faith, love, hope, and then the person achieves what he wants, receiving energy for this Activates a person’s ability to independently and correctly manage their destiny Makes it possible to realize what “the Soul asked for and to realize the understanding that our strength is in truth” Recommendations for the use of the FSC “ENERGY OF ACCOMPLISHMENT” Structuring water or food using the FSC “ENERGY OF ACCOMPLISHMENT” can be carried out at any time. Additional information: special time for energy practices, meditation, prayer using this Corrector at 01:00 It is possible to fix the emotion of the energy of accomplishment in yourself in the following way: take the FSC in your right hand, tense your neck a little and touch the hand with the FSC to the right carotid artery at 1 “knock” (beat) of your heart..Also do the same with your left hand with FSC and touch the left carotid artery You can activate the energies of achievements through listening to or playing any musical instruments Scarlet color and carnelian crystal together with the use of FSC give the power of the Goddess of Pravi Creates a unique tandem with the FSC “TRIUMPH OF BEING”, because when interacting, these FSCs balance and harmonize the upper and lower energy centers (chakras), and also greatly enhance the mutual positive effect It is recommended both for independent work and for use with other previously released FSCs of different series, for example, “SUCCESS”, “FORTUNA”, “HAPPINESS”, “PEACE”, “GOLDEN SAND”, FSC bracelet “MAGNAT” Application of the FSC “ENERGY OF ACCOMPLISHMENT” in life will give you the opportunity to constantly be in a state of joy from achieving what you want in your life, following the path of truthfulness, love and faith, to evolve spiritually and experience the emotion of the Goddess of Rule - “Trueness”, the joy of accomplishment. The FSC “ENERGY OF ACCOMPLISHMENT” describes the polarization of the cosmoenergetic channel of the Goddess of Rule. The time for structuring water at the FSC “ENERGY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS” is 6 hours. Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....
It has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, prevents infection of external wound surfaces (wounds, scratches, abrasions, postoperative sutures, bedsores, trophic ulcers, burns, including sunburns) Promotes faster regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes in case of various injuries resulting from injuries, surgery, skin-damaging procedures, incl. cosmetic (peelings, injections, tattoos, make-up, piercings) It has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, prevents infection and promotes faster healing of internal wound surfaces, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum (including those of an erosive-ulcerative nature, with microcirculation disorders) Helps restore blood microcirculation in the tissues of various organs, especially in damaged ones Prevents the formation of keloid scars in areas of damage to the skin and mucous membranes Helps restore and maintain the body's immune status at the physiological level Effective in case of unauthorized intrusion into the biofield, helps to quickly remove possible impacts of information and energy nature of external and internal origin (including psychological trauma, blocks) Quickly turns on and activates the work of all energy centers (especially the 5th, 6th, 7th centers), contributes to long-term maintenance of harmonious work processes Works powerfully on the subtle plane, harmonizes the vibrational flows of the external field and a person, promotes the discovery, manifestation and recognition of one’s true Self Helps you see and understand the true state of affairs in all areas of life, identify the root causes and find ways for better solutions Brings a person into a state of inner harmony, unity with the outside world Promotes the manifestation and disclosure of talents and abilities Promotes overall rejuvenation of the body, restoration of physiological processes to optimal levels FCS “PHOENIX” is shown: In the presence of external damage to the skin After various surgical interventions, incl. in dentistry After cosmetic procedures (peelings, permanent makeup, tattoos, etc.).) To achieve a state of inner harmony A good assistant for those who cannot understand and identify the reasons for a protracted streak of failures Recommendations for the use of FSC “PHOENIX”: Regular use of structured water and pumping In the presence of external damage to the skin, it is recommended to apply external lotions, wraps, applications using FSC-structured water and products (ointments, creams, etc.) In the presence of calluses and corns, it is recommended to use FSC during a pedicure, as well as for the procedure of trimmed manicure Interacts well with the “OXYchlorophyll” line for internal and external use Complements and enhances the effect of any FSC The FSC “PHOENIX” describes the polarization of the high-mountain spring “Shuvuuny Urt” (“Bird’s Nest”), northern Bulgan aimag, Mongolia. The time for water structuring at FSC "PHOENIX" is about 2 hours...
Strengthens, complements and consolidates the effect of any FSC through attunement Eliminates imbalances, blocks and clamps that prevent the harmonious flow of energy through energy centers Promotes faster achievement of positive results from the influence of other FSCs on the body When combined with different FSCs, it helps to reveal their maximum potential Helps strengthen and maintain immunity Triggers the process of tuning the body to accept high-frequency FSC vibrations Helps to adjust the body to work with FSCs with a possible decrease in the effect of their influence FCS “TUMING FORK” is shown: For the harmonious functioning of energy centers To attune and enhance the action of other FSCs When the immune system is weakenedRecommendations for the use of FSC “TUMING FORK”: Water structured with FSC is recommended to be used daily in an amount of at least 108 drops Take baths, showers, structure mouthwash During meditation, spiritual and energy practices It is not recommended to use the FSC “TUMING FORK” together with Correctors of the “gold” series and the FSC “ANTI-CATACLYSM” The polarization of water from a spring of 108 drops (Mongolia) is registered on the FSC “TUMING FORK”. The time for water structuring at KAMERTON FSC is at least 20 minutes..
Helps cleanse the biofield, energy centers, meridians and subtle bodies from energy-informational intrusions Helps create powerful energy protection, fills with light energies of the Cosmos Has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect Helps improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and urinary systems Aimed at increasing endurance, giving physical strength, to overcome feelings of fatigue Designed for faster recovery after various medical procedures and surgeries Allows you to improve various indicators (for example, for cows - milk yield, horses - running speed, etc.) Helps reduce aggression and balance mental stateFSC “ZOOVITA” is shown: For daily use by various animals - domestic animals, large and small livestock, birds, etc. For preparation for operations and for recovery after illnesses and injuries For adaptation after moving, flights, as well as preparing for them To prepare an animal for participation in sporting events, exhibitions To harmonize relationships between animalsRecommendations for the use of FSC “ZOOVITA”: Give animals water structured using FSC Carry out hygiene procedures, ablutions Place in places where they stay and sleep, for large animals - insert into collars Effective combined use with FSCs of different series to solve different problems Add drinks from the “OXYchlorophyll” line to the drink (dosage depending on the weight of the animal), structured on this FSC At FSC “ZOOVITA” the channel of Cosmic Theurgy “MAYA” MISSIK is registered. The time for water structuring at FSC “ZOOVITA” is about 10 minutes..
Promotes awareness of the integrity of the world and the interconnection of all life systems Fills with understanding and promotes recognition of ancestral roots, acceptance of one’s past, gaining support and strength of ancestors Aimed at the revival and development of spirituality, increasing awareness, gaining wisdom Helps you realize your purpose Promotes the process of learning oneself as a holistic person, awareness and acceptance of one’s goals and objectives Helps to fill the internal source of strength, opening up opportunities to demonstrate your highest potential - spiritual and physical Promotes harmonization and vision of new perspectives in all spheres of life: personal, professional, material, spiritual At CFS “RESET. FILLINGthe polarization of the “place of power” of the 2nd grotto of the Path of the Ancestors (Khakassia) is described. There is a place in Khakassia that every person seeking the hidden meaning of existence should visit - this is the Path of the Ancestors or the Path of Shamanic Power. The ancient name of this unique rock massif located along the White Iyus River is “Togys Az”, which means “Nine Mouths”. And indeed, if you look from the opposite bank to the one along which the trail passes, you can see 9 large grottoes, similar to open mouths. Here archaeologists found the oldest human sites in caves in Siberia, more than 24 thousand years old. Ancestors came to the Path to worship the Gods and Spirits who inhabited the numerous grottoes here. In the caves there are drawings, the only ones in Khakassia made with ocher; scientists have determined their age - it is 4-4.5 thousand years. The Path of the Ancestors is conventionally divided into 7 sectors, which symbolize the birth and development of a person’s personality. Walking along this path in a sacred sense corresponded to the passage of an initiate along the path of Knowledge; this is the path of knowledge throughout life. Some will be satisfied with superficial knowledge, while others will go through the entire journey of life and gain wisdom. FSC “RESET. CLEANING" and "RESET. FILLING” – paired, applied sequentially and interconnected with each other..
Helps remove blocks and programs of the past, “reset”, and start a new path with a “clean slate” Promotes the process of symbolic transformation – “death” and “birth” of a person – physical and spiritual Aimed at cleansing from negativity, unauthorized intrusion into the human energy field, removing energy-information programs Helps to discover the inner source of strength At the FSC “RESET. PURIFICATION” describes the polarization of the “place of power” of the 1st grotto of the Path of the Ancestors (Khakassia). FSC “RESET. CLEANING" and "RESET. FILLING” – paired, applied sequentially and interconnected with each other..