The FSC registers the polarization of water on the date 03/20/2024 on the day of the vernal equinox and the Navruz holiday. Navruz is the Cosmic New Year for planet Earth, the beginning of a new calendar year and a new cycle, it is a celebration of the return of the Souls of the Good Ancestors and the Souls of all things.
Water structuring time is 18 minutes.
Adapts the user’s thinking to the perception of the world as a space replete with all kinds of resources available to him, the so-called “abundance thinking” (when there is an understanding of “there is a lot of everything”, “everything is always there for me”, “I deserve the best”), where a person freely shares with others, and they share with him, in contrast to the feeling of constant scarcity (“poverty thinking”, when there is always little of everything - energy, money)
Stimulates the user's innate divine abilities, enhances the flow of energies of spiritual abundance and wealth, which in turn attract and increase material well-being in his life
Helps the user to establish natural, harmonious interaction with the surrounding world, with nature and society, restoring the lost original harmony and integrity, unity and fullness of being
Increases the level of positive energy in the user's energy field
Helps strengthen the feeling of unity and community among people, increases the level of goodwill between partners and in the team. It is especially useful in places where disputes often arise and there are differences in matters of religion, ethnicity and cultural traditions, that is, it helps to maintain that Spiritual Flow that ensures the stability of society
Promotes the desire to share the results of your successes and achievements with others. That is, it facilitates the transfer of goodness through one’s own actions, contributes to the formation and development of the world through one’s generosity through giving, giving
Provides accelerated adaptation to new high-frequency energy levels, opens access to new worlds and realities, different dimensions and higher frequency, vibrational orders
Creates new principles within the user, manifesting and reflecting cosmic and divine laws in actions and embodiment. Divine knowledge of higher frequencies will become available at the Soul level for those who are ready for it..FSC energies will contribute to the correct reading, cognition, feeling, sensing, and perception of everything around us
Awakens the energy of the Element of Fire in the user, enriching energy reserves for new beginnings, both physically and sensory-emotionally. Supports the formation of such qualities as determination, perseverance, cheerfulness, dynamism, activates the ability to make quick decisions and adequate energetic action
Balances the biofield, increasing its density and degree of protection, thereby making the user more resistant to external negative influences
Saturates the user's Soul with joyful streams of inspiration and awakens the desire for unlimited comprehension and limitless knowledge of the secrets of the Universe
Connects the user with the Higher Light worlds, bringing a feeling of heavenly support from above
Initiates the process of updating and restoring the user’s energy structure: removes what is outdated, creating space for fresh, vital energy and information flows. Performs balancing, alignment, cleansing and activation of all EC (energy centers, chakras)
Opens access to potentially negative images of the retrospective (past) and perspective (future) - looking back or forward at certain events that are hidden in the subconscious, and deactivates them, leading to a neutral state
Activates a process in which the impact of traumatic past events is reduced, bypassing conscious perception and without causing any associations, thoughts, memories or emotions and without creating event images. The body's reaction to this is a deep exhalation and a feeling of liberation from some kind of heaviness, load (in the energetic sense)
Facilitates the user's process of returning to his true essence, abandoning the misconceptions that surround him in interactions with people and situations. Allows the user to realize reality, understanding the truth of a given situation..Teaches you to recognize where energy is wasted, sometimes lasting throughout your entire life
Facilitates awareness and delicate processing of karmic knots, cleanses even the most subtle energy meridians
Provides protection from energy capture (“suckers”) by restless souls, which makes FSC a useful and necessary tool for use during visits to burial sites, funeral rites and related events. In addition, it helps remove necrotic energy from the biofield and reflects the influence of magical influences
Activates the energies of veracity and truth, so the user will encounter deception and lies in his life less and less
Creates a connection with the energy field (egregor) of the Family, activates the forces of the user’s ancestral systems in order to provide protection, assistance and support
Makes it easier for single people to find a faithful and loving companion to build family relationships
Improves the condition of the immune system, helps the body adapt to unfavorable external factors
Provides a beneficial effect of energies on the information level in relation to the skeletal system
Recommendations for the use of FSC “HIGHER HARMONY”:
The energy is calm, “opening”, creates a harmonious energetic space in the user’s living environment. Launches immediately, affecting all bodies, including every layer of the user's physical and energy field. This force simultaneously initiates the activity of the 1st and 7th EC
The effectiveness of FSC interaction with energy centers (ECs) is determined by the individual choice of the user - the sequence may vary depending on personal preference
There may be an increase in energy flow as a result of the resolution of some internal obstacles, which manifests itself in the form of sensations of warmth or a slight tingling sensation. Promotes easy and gentle relaxation
FSC energy promotes easy falling asleep and conducts subtle interaction with the subconscious level
Information extracted from dreams can serve as material for personal analysis and improvement, if you set yourself such a task. Those aspects that have been worked out move from the subconscious to a higher level of awareness..This can be compared to the situation in school: sometimes students run away from a lesson that they find boring or difficult to understand, and the user may also be tempted to avoid this internal work (elaboration/deactivation). However, those who persistently work on themselves can receive a “reward”: relief from anxiety and inner restlessness, feelings of deep and vague dissatisfaction, a significant influx of energy and strength, internal balance, increased performance and a feeling of “second wind”
FSC helps to deactivate problems in soft mode. It is necessary if the user notices himself in constant haste, bustle and haste, avoidance of certain types of activities, contacts with people, situations, lacks something, lack of satisfaction from his own actions, strives to immediately receive “everything at once” (but even when achieving this, remains unsatisfied) or experiences events that traumatize the psyche and are therefore repressed from consciousness
Creates a bright tandem with the FSC “HIGHER SPHERE”, enhancing mutual action and leading to increased effectiveness
The FSC is compatible with all previously released FSCs from all series, allowing you to create custom combinations that suit your goals and preferences.