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FSC Amulet for women


The polarization is registered at the FSC: two Logoisk springs and the Novogrudok spring (Republic of Belarus), two springs from Olkhon Island (Lake Baikal), a spring from the monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Kirov)....

  • Aimed at cleansing all the user’s energy bodies from negativity, any induced programs of various origins and expected strength of influence. Cleanses the heart and soul, starts the process.....
FSC "Transformation"

The FSC prescribes the polarization of the energy portal, which opened on December 21, 2021

Provides the opportunity to adapt to new quantum energies that determine our further development
Opens powerful waves of light energies, replaces quantum currents for the user to accept a new frequency range, is a concentrator, amplifier and conductor of subtle new energies, knowledge and information
Helps to free oneself from harmful illusions, works with the consciousness and subconscious - helps to remove the veil of “trouble” from the eyes and begin to see everything in its true form (events, people), correctly understand what is happening in space and society, eliminates restrictions and attitudes, and consciousness moves to new, higher level
Gives new opportunities to the user to realize the true values ​​of life, awaken the true spiritual heart, opens the way to oneself, to a new blissful reality
Increases the speed of thought, awakens the Divine Seed of Light and gives enlightenment to the Soul through flashes of spiritual insight and creates an intuitive desire for spiritual growth
Provides preference and assistance to the process of internal “reloading” of the user from egoism to altruism, helps to disband and return negative messages made by ill-wishers or envious people
Activates heart feelings and Spiritual discipline in a person, allows the user to follow the dictates of his destiny
Promotes restructuring and reaching a better level of any form of relationship
Promotes going beyond time cycles, attunes and synchronizes the user to the high energies and vibrations of the Earth
Aimed at working with complex autoimmune diseases that are present in a person at birth and are transmitted genetically from parents, as well as due to exposure to environmental factors (smoking, alcohol, unhealthy food, etc.)..)
Helps the user adapt to new energies of time, “anchor” on the earthly plane and fixate on a point in space without sending thoughts to the past or shaping the future
Helps accelerate the implementation of the desired series of events, removes clues from past events and thought forms, especially negative ones, works with fears
Helps to collect the integrity of the Higher Self of the user’s personality in harmonious manifestation on the physical and spiritual level, gives protection, a feeling of care and sincerity of the external world on the path of life, helps to choose the best pure path for the realization of good plans
Helps to generate and form the correct, healthy field structure of the fetus (healthy genetic DNA code)
Aimed at adapting the spatial characteristics of the user’s energy, centers him in the current period of life, helps to work through the traumatic experience of past events

Recommendations for the use of FSC “TRANSFORMATION”:

Creates unique tandems with FSC “PETROVOCHKA”, “AWAKENING THE SOUL”
Necessary for everyone who uses FSC with 8 elements as an adapter (adapter) to a new level from the currently existing energy-informational state of the biofield and subtle bodies
It is recommended to do pumping: put the FSC and sit with the 1st energy center (chakra) for 20 minutes, then move it to the head on the 7th energy center (chakra) for 5-10 minutes, and then put it on the thymus (thymus gland, in the middle between the 4th and 5th energy centers) for minutes 20. You can adjust the duration individually according to your feelings
It is important for women to regularly use FSC before pregnancy, approximately 1-1.5 years, to minimize the risks of transmitting genetic diseases to the fetus at the information (field) level. As soon as I thought about wanting to have a child
Helps to call upon spiritual parents and teachers to receive answers to important intangible spiritual questions
Important for transformation work during meditation, spiritual practices, austerities, processes of self-improvement of soul and body
Helps the birth of children - during childbirth you can write a note “my child is born easily, in love, in light”
Compatible with all previously released FSCs

Water structuring time is 25 minutes.

Limited edition - check with managers for availability! Best regards, administration....