The polarization of various images is prescribed on the FSC: a drug from shark liver to increase testosterone levels; Toptun, Altai herb to increase testosterone levels; Jerusalem artichoke to normalize the activity of the pancreas in diabetics; Kudin, polarization of Chinese tea from high mountain plantations. Hainan; ginger, pineapple, thistle, Caucasian hellebore, dragon fruit (Thailand), pomelo (Thailand), modified immovin, anti-cellulite 1 (comprehensive theme for burning subcutaneous fat), anti-cellulite 2 (comprehensive theme for burning internal fat day); cosmetology tea, relaxant, complex topic for accelerating cell regeneration; topic from psychopathogenic influences.
ARRI is prescribed - the channel of Cosmic Theurgy "MAYA" - to normalize metabolism and get rid of excess weight.
Helps normalize the functioning of the male endocrine system and restore hormonal levels to normal
Aimed at increasing testosterone levels, enhancing potency
Normalizes the condition of the intestinal microflora and the male genital area
Helps restore metabolism, normalize enzyme production
Accelerates metabolic processes, the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates
Helps burn excess subcutaneous and internal fat, reduce body volume, and lose weight
Helps normalize appetite
Helps balance the central nervous system (CNS)
Aimed at restoring physiologically healthy and adequate sleep
Provides a surge of strength and energy
Helps stop uterine bleeding in women
Increases stress resistance and adaptation to unfavorable external factors
It is a means of prevention and correction of a wide range of diseases of the male genital area