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FSC Mystery of Norway


  • Aimed at cleansing all the user’s energy bodies from negativity, any induced programs of various origins and expected strength of influence. Cleanses the heart and soul, starts the process.....
FSC The Mystery of Norway

Eliminates destruction in the information field, cultivates an inner sense of confidence and stability, supports the “Flow of Life” - life processes in the range of health

The polarization of water from the well of the cave of St. Sunniva Seliya (the first
Norwegian saint), Fr. Selja, Norway.
The time for structuring (informatization) of water is 12 minutes.
Promotes the development of mental clarity, removes mental fog and initiates
information level of the procedure for light restoration of brain structures
Impacts the deep levels of the subconscious, where difficult emotions and
complex psychological experiences emanating from current existence or past ones
incarnations, protected by mental defense mechanisms from conscious comprehension
Focuses on clearing the user's traumatic attitudes and programs, such as
fear, guilt, self-destructive tendencies of various nature
Reveals new horizons of perception and possibilities of consciousness, instills confidence in
the eternity of the life of the Soul, transforms the fear of physical death into a flow of positive energy,
life-sustaining..e. consciously perceive
said by someone, and not to invent or interpret in your own version
Helps improve the body's absorption of important microelements needed
for healthy hair and nail growth
Helps strengthen tooth enamel and prevent the development of caries, being
preventative assistant for maintaining oral health
Recommendations for using the FSC “THE MYSTERY OF NORWAY”:
Provides support in carrying out complex internal work related to deep
experiences and emotional processing. After this process, a person can expect
“bonuses” in the form of opening new life paths and opportunities, as well as facilitating the state of the Soul
through getting rid of the severity of emotional and energetic stress. Life afterwards
becomes easier, since it is important to regularly carry out general cleaning in “closets” and “closets”
During the correction of the functional state, there is a feeling of getting rid of accumulated
burden, a premonition of future favorable events. The mood improves, as if the day before
holiday, and the expectation of magic hovers in the Soul, like the anticipation of the New Year. And it becomes
it is clear: the upcoming changes will be not just positive, but much better than we can
It is recommended to set your own body in the mood for a 21-day cycle of changes
energy structure. To do this, you should carry out pumping daily using FSC, so that
effectively activate the user’s entire energy information system in 10-15 minutes..
It is preferable to perform the procedures regularly at the same time of day
It is a valuable tool for comprehensive work with a psychologist and psychotherapist, and
also for a variety of meditative practices that are aimed at detailed study and
healing of various psychological traumas
It is useful to use FSC for an evening shower after a busy day to rinse off
accumulated energy “dirt” of society and physical fatigue
Use for physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at improving health
musculoskeletal system and hearing organs
It is useful to structure the oral elixir “OXYchlorophyll” for daily use on the FSC
care and prevention of diseases of teeth, gums, as well as strengthening tooth enamel
Perfect for cleaning - cleaning the house and various premises. Cleaning
companies, for example, can provide their employees with CFS for more efficient cleaning
living spaces of clients and creating a favorable energy-information atmosphere in them
When creating FSC tandems, choose topics that are harmoniously combined with each other, and
experiment with interesting combinations along with other FSCs released earlier.